By Mallory Kimmel
Adjunct Professor, Corcoran School of the Arts and Design
The project “America: Land of Civil War” engages with 155 American Civil War covers from the Albert H. Small Washingtoniana Collection. Civil War “covers” are envelopes printed with nationalistic iconography to display political allegiance during the Civil War, and they testify to the nationalistic rhetoric of the era. This imagery was exchanged and disseminated through all forms of written correspondences, and displayed the divisive opposition of the time.
The current project presents American Civil War covers from the collection with contemporary socio-political and socio-economic critiques of life in America today. These contemporary texts are written on reproductions of the historical covers to collapse time and space, depicting the same topics of political contention 162 years later. The title of the series, “America: Land of Civil War,” illustrates the idea that the American government is designed to keep its people in conflict as a mechanism to resist institutional change. A portion of the project is published below.
Artist Statement
As an artist, the focus of my practice centers on power dynamics and their relationship to exclusionary design. Living through the COVID-19 pandemic, witnessing the insurrection on television, watching the repeal of Roe v. Wade, and seeing the implementation of transphobic legislation has illustrated the precursory threats to contemporary life. America is in a malleable state where we are presently redefining what it means to be an American. Presenting past and present failures of American leadership within this project is done to ensure that they are not repeated, rather, intentionally eradicated.
I want these contemporary testimonials to voice the human condition. We for the past three years have withstood a global health crisis and witnessed a mass population dieback. We have suffered through the economic peril of inflation, shipment supply shortages and the loss of businesses and places that offered us a sense of belonging. Human rights are being repealed, from the LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, womxn and all other intersectional communities. To support our needs, we have to reckon with the shortcomings of the past to navigate how we ought to move forward.
The impetus for this project is to connect the false promises of the past where the rhetoric of “liberty for all” was paraded while systematically upholding a practice of governing its citizens “to live and let die.” I aim to validate our current experiences through testimonials and relate them to the history of our country’s exclusionary design processes. The result will illustrate the successful perpetuation of social conflict used to divert our attention away from the institutions and people that perpetuate these exploitative cycles. We cannot blindly charge forward without unpacking the history that brought us to our current circumstances. Engaging with this project of assessing the unchanging problems of America for over 162 years creates the fertile ground for analytical thought and inspired action. Now is the time to remain critical and vigilant as we are vulnerable to opportunistic leaders.